Joanna Boutilier has a passion for supporting and encouraging people to identify and expand their
strengths and resources and take the next steps
forward to reach their goals – and also to develop
the positive mindset, tools, and strategies to achieve further success. Her warmth, creativity, intelligence, resourcefulness, and experience as an educator,
facilitator, writer, editor, consultant, curriculum
developer, and coach allow her to meet clients
where they are and exceed expectations for making progress and building lasting solutions. In her work
with individuals, teams, classes, and organizations,
Joanna truly excels at helping clients identify and
leverage their existing strengths to move forward
with greater confidence and success.
As an award-winning educator and mentor,
Certified Solution-Focused Practitioner, and
Certified Positive Educator, Joanna brings enthusiasm
and experience to her coaching, consulting, and
education clients. With a Master’s Degree from
Queen's University, an Honours B.A. from the University
of Toronto, as well as post-graduate Certificates in
Career & Academic Advising, Solution-Focused Counselling & Coaching, Student Affairs & Services,
Life Skills Coaching, and Teaching English as a
Second Language, Joanna is well-prepared to apply
her knowledge and skills in support of your goals
and projects.